Beavers In My Brain (and other creature problems)

I must tend to my brain and attempt to remap the synapses that allow my imagination to flow. These paths are currently blocked and barricaded, as if bumbling memory-destroying beavers have been cutting down creativity trees to build comfy-to-them dams. I envision little destructive voles, field mice, shrews, et al., with their micro razor claws and tiny but vicious teeth, wreaking havoc on my weakened myelinated nerve fibers, harvesting them to pad comfy-to-them nests. Forever masticating weevils, earwigs, carpenter ants, and the occasional cicada killer wasp (because we know the tinnitus cloaked cicadas never leave my ears) seem to live comfy-to-them productive lives up in my brain-space, too.

There sometimes seems to be.. very little room for me.


A Blurb? A Blurt? Is it even a Blog?